Another New Chapter

After a year and a half at my apartment, it’s time to move. A variety of little reasons cropped up, and Sean and I realized it was time to find a new home that better fits our budget and lifestyle. So, we’re moving about ten minutes down the road to a duplex with more workspace and a yard.

I wish I’d taken a photo of my home studio before disassembling it for the WEST Austin Studio Tour. When I look back at photos of my studio from a year ago, the difference is inspiring. I made so much art here!

It can be easy to lose sight of how much I’ve accomplished when I’m comparing myself to where I want to be or where other people are. Looking back at where I was helps remind me that I am learning a lot and making progress.

In acknowledging my progress, and in starting a new chapter, I’m going to start making larger paintings. Keeping things small has been a way for me to practice and define my style without committing to a large, expensive canvas.  But now it’s time for me to let go of this crutch and expand myself. I’ll still make small paintings, but I’ll do so intentionally.

I started with a painting of McKinney Falls, a state park that sits inside Austin city limits. I’ve visited the park many times, but this was the first time I got go swimming; it was a wonderfully relaxing afternoon.

In the midst of moving boxes and the late-June heat, I’m missing that water right now.

Lower McKinney Falls - Acrylic Paint On Canvas - 20"x30"
Lower McKinney Falls – Acrylic Paint On Canvas – 20″x30″
I like to wrap the colors around the side of the canvas, a play on my love of color field paintings.
I like to wrap the colors around the side of the canvas, a play on my love of color field paintings.