Ready To Begin

After weeks of moving, cleaning, painting, and repairing, I’m finally settling into my new home and workspace. So many little issues made themselves known (and the biggest issue: a broken air conditioner over Fourth of July weekend!), but I survived the difficult transition and am finally starting to make art again.

I’m about to begin painting a really fun commission and a roadrunner I spotted on my trip to McKinney Falls State Park.

Tracing and re-tracing lines to make them cleaner and more stylized before copying onto a canvas.
Tracing and re-tracing lines to make them cleaner and more stylized before copying onto a canvas.

I’m excited to be creating again but I’m also realizing that I need to make more time for relaxing activities. Those seem to be the first things to get knocked off my to-do list when life gets hectic. But I’m a much kinder, creative, and thoughtful person when I’m taking care of myself; and much more able to solve problems. This seems like one of those life lessons I must learn again and again: take care of yourself.

Thankfully, I was able to get away on Sunday, visiting Pedernales Falls State Park with a friend. We relaxed in the swimming area along the river and were treated to a stunning sunset with a nearly-full moon shining through huge, pink storm clouds. There was some chaos involved (I got lost on the way there, thanks to Apple Maps, and was attacked by horse flies while hiking) but overall, the trip was renewing.

Wolf Mountain Trail
Wolf Mountain Trail
Pedernales River
Pedernales River
Bee Creek Overlook
Bee Creek Overlook

I’m going to start scheduling relaxing activities for myself, just like a meeting. Time to read, write, take a bath, and go for a walk – all as important as any meeting.